Sunday, January 18, 2009

The big trip itinerary

Hello all,

I don't know how well I will keep up with e-postcards while I am traveling so I'm starting this blog as well. I thought I would start with a quick note to let you all know what my itinerary will be during the trip.
I will be starting in Japan. First in Tokyo, then on 9FEB09, I fly up to Sapporo to see their snow festival as well as some other Snow and Light festivals and snowboarding on Hokkaido.
17-20FEB – I will be in Seoul, Korea just to check Korea off my life's to do list.
22FEB-28APR – I will be traveling around India with Intrepid travel. I will start in the south, in Chennai, and work around the southern tip, up to Goa. Then I will hop a train to Mumbai and travel into northern India and back across to Kolkata. You can see a map of the trip at: My itinerary is a little different because I will be doing the southern portion first and then the north, but otherwise I'm going to all the same places.
At the end of that trip, I will have a few days to wonder on my own and I may try to visit Nepal. I think it would be fun to say I've been to Katmandu. Really it is just fun to say Katmandu.
1MAY-30JUL – I will be traveling from Beijing to Bali with Intrepid tours again. During this trip, I will travel down eastern China, into Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. You can check out the map and itinerary for this trip at:
Also, you can check out Intrepid's homepage for a contest to win a trip for two to the location of your choice.
1-14AUG – I will wrap up my trip in New Zealand, snowboarding in August, and seeing the sights the southern island has to offer, before I return to the states, broke, homeless, unemployed, and yet with a permanent smile on my face.
If I fail to send any e-postcards, or posts to my blog, for several months, please feel free to contact the local embassies and inquire if they have heard anything about my imprisonment, ransom demands, etc.



  1. Hey Greg! That is a BIG beer mug! Take Care. Cindy & Jack

  2. Hi Greg,
    Alberto gave me the link, hope all is well in Japan! stay warm
